Job Openings

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7k-10k(Monthly Salary)


7k-8K(Monthly Salary)


5k-8K(Monthly Salary)


6k-9K(Basic Monthly Salary)


Cignore Lixing (Huanghua City) Group Co., Ltd.

2023 College Graduate Recruitment Brochure

1. Company Profile

Cignore Lixing (Huanghua City) Group Co., Ltd. was established in 2004. It is the largest domestic coal tar processing and downstream intensive enterprise. The company is headquartered in Huanghua City, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province. Adjacent to Beijing and Tianjin in the north and Qilu in the south, it is an important node in the capital's economic circle. The registered capital of the group company is 175.8 million yuan, and it has 4 subsidiaries with total assets of 3.1 billion yuan and a total of 1,422 employees. There are three production bases in Lingang and Erdos Ejin Horo Banner, with high level of automation and standardized management. The company has ranked No. 1 in export earnings in Cangzhou City for 14 consecutive years. It is a comprehensive and technological company integrating R&D, production, trade and transportation. , Leading enterprise of modern coal chemical industry.

Second, enterprise strength

1. We are a leading enterprise in the field of coal tar chemical deep processing.

The company's current main production capacity includes:

(1) Headquarters of Luqiao Industrial Park: 900,000 tons/year of high-temperature coal tar processing, 50,000 tons/year of washing oil deep processing, 80,000 tons/year of naphthalene phthalic anhydride, 100,000 tons/year of environmentally friendly plasticizers, 2,000 tons/year of new fluorene-based materials;

(2) Lingang National Chemical Industry Park: 500 tons/year 8-hydroxyquinoline, 1000 tons/year quinolinic acid, 1200 tons/year 9-fluorenone. (Ordos Xinnuo Zhengneng) 300,000 tons/year of medium-temperature coal tar.

The main products are electrode binder pitch, phthalic anhydride, anthracene oil, dioctyl phthalate (DOP), industrial fluorene, quinoline, 8-hydroxyquinoline, quinolinic acid, fluorene-based new materials, etc. 30 A variety of products are widely used in metallurgy, chemical industry, medicine, construction, transportation, electronics, new high-end materials and other industries.

The scale of tar processing ranks first in the industry, the export volume of asphalt ranks first in the industry, the product quality of naphthalene phthalic anhydride ranks first in the industry, the scale of washing oil deep processing ranks first in China, and the quality of indole products ranks first in China. 100 million yuan, and the tax payment has exceeded 100 million yuan for many years.

2. We are a leading company in green chemical industry.

Cignore Lixing Group has always adhered to the leadership of innovation, based on the field of deep processing of coal tar, and continuously extended the upstream and downstream industrial chains. Processing innovation center, and the scientific research team has won the title of Hebei high-quality talent team. There are 15 authorized patents, including 7 invention patents and 8 utility model patents.

Signuo Lixing Group successfully won the industrialization project of major scientific and technological projects in Hebei Province in 2020, and cooperated with China National Chemical Engineering Bluestar Chenguang Chemical Research Institute to become a sub-center of the National Engineering Plastics Engineering Research Center (Signuo Lixing Optics Resin sub-center); at the same time, strengthen exchanges and cooperation with scientific research institutes of universities, and have signed long-term technical cooperation agreements with Tsinghua University, Tianjin University, Anshan Iron and Steel Design Institute, and the Second Chemical Institute to enhance the technological strength of the enterprise. The Research Institute Co., Ltd. was established to lay a solid foundation for improving the scientific and technological content of the company's products and accelerating the transformation of scientific research results by promoting the construction of R&D platforms. It plans to use 3-5 years to build a high-tech, High value-added chemical new material industry cluster.

3. We actively undertake social responsibilities.

Since its establishment, Xinnuo Lixing Group has adhered to the concept of "creating wealth, giving back to colleagues, serving the society, and achieving career success", actively shouldering social responsibilities, vigorously advocating love and public welfare, and benefiting the hometown. Over the years, more than 15 million yuan has been donated for education, helping the poor, building water conservancy, roads and bridges, and cultural undertakings. Among them, more than 1 million yuan was donated to improve the teaching environment of Huanghua Middle School. Established the Cigna Dream Realization Scholarship, held the seven consecutive "Dream Realization Student" activities of Cigna Lixing, accumulated donations of more than 700,000 yuan, and helped 60 students with excellent academic performance and poor families realize their university dreams. Yu Jinjun, chairman of the company Won the "Advanced Individual of Hebei Province Donation and Education". The company advocates the "family" culture of "happy work and happy life", establishes a common vision, pursues an atmosphere of harmony, mutual assistance, and progress among employees, and invests a lot of financial resources to continuously improve sports facilities, employee restaurants, dormitories, and shuttle buses conditions, and demonstrated the "responsible and reliable" corporate image with practical actions.

3. Talent training

1. A sound and complete training system, with a platform for progress.

Do a good job in training, escort the whole process of the novice period, new employee induction training, job rotation training, and continuous follow-up, so that newcomers will not be confused. From the date of entry, employees will carry out training for new employees, pre-job skills training, daily professional skills training, and regular seminars to accurately grasp the latest developments of new employees and ensure that development does not deviate. Throughout the security work, high-quality closed-loop training, the implementation of "teacher leading apprentice" training, job rotation training follow-up and acceptance, we will not be alone. Equipped with rich learning resources, we carry out "English Classes", corporate culture management courses and various professional skill trainings to empower development.

2. The stage has a broad development path, and there is room for growth.

Your talent has enough stage to bloom. Industrial chain layout: the existing 600,000 tons/year tar industry chain, 80,000 tons/year phthalic anhydride industry chain, acenaphthene-based industry chain, fluorene-based industry chain, fluorene-based industry chain, and quinoline-based industry chain; sufficient management positions: 1 Headquarters, 3 production bases, multiple new research and development projects, high-quality and efficient management platform. There are plenty of opportunities to flow and develop between different business areas and various projects.

4. The employment mechanism of meritocracy, the development has a bright future.

It takes 3 months for a new employee to become a full-time employee. Promotion and promotion are mainly carried out through open competitive recruitment, job rotation exchanges, internal recruitment, and cadre inspections. It is fair, just and open, and the outstanding ones are given priority.

5. Harmonious and loving cultural activities, life is fun.

Leadership care, colleagues love, various types of humanistic activities to help employees balance work and rest, happy work and happy life is the pursuit of corporate culture, covering basketball, football, table tennis, and other sports activities, calligraphy and painting competitions, essay writing activities Various cultural and artistic activities such as cultural performances, knowledge contests, and speech contests, as well as public welfare activities such as friendship with high-quality units and voluntary services, to cultivate aura of pride and vigor.

Fourth, business area (work place)

Group company headquarters: Lvqiao Industrial Park, Huanghua City, Cangzhou, Hebei Province

Whole-owned subsidiary:

1. Xinnuo Lixing (Cangzhou Bohai New District) Chemical Co., Ltd., Lingang National Chemical Park, Huanghua City, Cangzhou, Hebei Province;

2. Yijinhuoluo Banner Xinnuo Zhengneng Chemical Co., Ltd., Yijinhuoluo Banner, Ordos City, Inner Mongolia.

V. Remuneration

Stable and diverse salary and welfare system, with guaranteed pockets.

1. Salary: post salary + performance salary;

2. Bonus: quarterly performance award + various special awards;

3. Allowance: four fees a year (heatstroke prevention fee + heating fee + Mid-Autumn Festival benefits + Spring Festival benefits);

4. Welfare: five social insurances and one housing fund + various benefits (free college student apartment + free shuttle bus + festival activities + team building trip + paid family leave + pre-job training + on-the-job training + other benefits);

Six, professional needs

1. Research project leader——PhD——Organic Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry and Physics, Applied Chemistry——35W+ (annual salary)

2. R&D experimenter——master——organic chemistry, polymer chemistry and physics, applied chemistry——20W+ (annual salary)

3. Production reserve cadres——undergraduate——organic chemistry, polymer chemistry and physics, applied chemistry, chemical equipment technology, chemical engineering and technology, process equipment and control engineering——7k-10k (monthly salary)

4. Production operator--specialist--chemical equipment technology, applied chemical technology, industrial analysis technology, fine chemical technology, pharmaceutical biotechnology, mechatronics technology, electrical automation technology, mechanical and electrical equipment installation technology ——7k-8K (monthly salary)

5. Financial management position——undergraduate——economics, international economics and trade, accounting, financial management——5k-8K (monthly salary)

6. Sales——Undergraduate——International Economics and Trade, Marketing, International Business——6k-9K (basic monthly salary)

Seven, application conditions

1. Educational qualifications and institutions: The 2023 general recruitment of fresh graduates with a bachelor’s degree or above; domestic key universities, traditional chemical engineering schools, and world-renowned institutions.

2. Academic performance: Good academic performance at school, no make-up exams for professional courses; English level above CET-4 for undergraduates and CET-6 for postgraduates.

3. Comprehensive quality: physical and mental health; strong communication, expression and organizational coordination skills; strong responsibility, pragmatic style, team spirit; strong will and corporate identity. Under the same conditions, members of the Communist Party of China, who have work experience in student unions and associations, relevant social practice or enterprise internship experience, various honor winners, and those with specialties in literature, art and sports are preferred.

VIII. Application process

1. Resume delivery

Resume delivery email

2. Preliminary test: After the resume screening, the preliminary test list will be determined (subject to the staff phone, text message, and email notification), and enter the preliminary test link.

4. Re-examination: After the initial test, determine the re-examination list (subject to staff phone calls, text messages, and email notifications), and enter the re-examination link.

5. Recruitment: Pass the re-examination, communicate to confirm the recruitment intention, issue an offer, and sign a tripartite agreement.

9. Contact

Contact number:

Song Cheng: 15733782313

Resume delivery email:

Address: Luqiao Industrial Park, Huanghua City, Hebei Province

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